Israeli children taught to hate Palestinians - Human rights workers attempt to get a soldier to stop settler kids who are throwing stones at a Palestinian home while a settler adult watches.
Every day on their way home from school, several Palestinian children walk on a path that runs directly below where the settler kids were stoning. On this day the Palestinian children are waiting for a soldier to move the barbed wire that permanently blocks their path home.
Human rights workers must argue with him to move the barbed wire even though the family won an Israeli High Court decision ruling that the family must be allowed to use this path to go home. The barbed wire permanently blocks their path home.
The IDF places the barbed wire there in direct violation of the Israeli High Court decision.
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Israeli children taught to hate Palestinians - Human rights workers attempt to get a soldier to stop settler kids who are throwing stones at a Palestinian home while a settler adult watches.
Every day on their way home from school, several Palestinian children walk on a path that runs directly below where the settler kids were stoning. On this day the Palestinian children are waiting for a soldier to move the barbed wire that permanently blocks their path home.
Human rights workers must argue with him to move the barbed wire even though the family won an Israeli High Court decision ruling that the family must be allowed to use this path to go home. The barbed wire permanently blocks their path home.
The IDF places the barbed wire there in direct violation of the Israeli High Court decision.